
tableau carpets wholesaling

tableau carpets wholesaling

Wholesaling methods of tableau carpets with frames

Are you looking to wholesale tableau carpets? Or do you want to buy Kashan tableau carpets in bulk?! Carpets and tableau carpets have long been very popular among Iranians and also among the world, and fortunately today, with the help of Internet sites and online shopping, work has become easier for foreign and Iranian buyers. People also tend to buy their goods in full. For example, if they buy tableau carpets, they prefer the tableau carpets they buy to have frames, so having a frame for tableau carpets is important and obvious, and it is common to do wholesale business of tableau carpets with the frame.

Wholesaling methods of tableau carpets with frames

You can buy machine-made tableau carpets in any shape and design in bulk from factories at reasonable prices. Also, many buyers tend to buy wholesale tableau carpets for ease of work. Avisa Carpets, one of the major tableau carpet buying companies, sells Kashan tableau carpets with frames and exports them to all over Iran and the world. Today, online shopping is one of the best ways to buy tableau carpets with frames.

Machine-made tableau carpets

In today’s world, buying and selling carpets in Iran and even around the world is very common. In Iran and many countries around the world, people like to install tableau carpets on the walls of their homes or workplaces in addition to carpets. Tableau carpets are in a variety of designs of Quranic verses, images of faces or daily lives of people or views of nature and animals, etc. In addition to handmade tableau carpets, machine-made carpet factories produce machine-made tableau carpets in any shape, design and size with unparalleled quality. If you are an exporter or a shopkeeper or you have a carpet store and you want to buy wholesale carpets with frames, join us to acquaint you with the methods of wholesaling tableau carpets with frames.

The difference between machine-made and hand-made tableau carpets

Are you planning to buy wholesale tableau carpets and need to know the difference between handmade tableau carpets and machine-made ones? We will teach you how to distinguish machine-made tableau carpets from handmade ones.

Method 1: If you look at the back of the tableau carpets, you will notice that the back of the machine-made tableau carpet is smooth and uniform, but the back of the hand-woven tableau carpet is non-uniform and uneven because it is woven by hand.

The second method: If you look at the fringes of the tableau carpets, you will notice that in the machine-made tableau carpet, the fringes are sewn to the end of the carpet, but in the handmade tableau carpets, the fringes are at the end and it is a part of the carpets.

Third method: If you look at the edge or side of the tableau carpet, you will notice that the edge or side of the machine made tableau carpet is smooth because it is embroidered with the machine, but the edge or side of the handmade tableau carpet is not smooth because it is tied by hand.

And in the fourth method: if you look at the size, pattern and design of the tableau carpet, you will notice that in the machine made tableau carpet, the size, shape and design are accurate because it is symmetrical in the machine, but in the handmade tableau carpet, the size, shape and design are irregular.

Tableau carpets wholesaling + pictures with the frame

Iranian tableau carpets are as famous as Iranian carpets and have many buyers in the global carpet market and many want to wholesale Iranian tableau carpets. If you want to do wholesale business of tableau carpets, and especially buy bulk carpets + pictures with frames online, Avisa Carpet website provides tableau carpet wholesale business and exporting them to all parts of Iran and the world online.

Kashan tableau carpet

Kashan carpet is a famous and well-known name in the world. If you intend to do wholesale business of tableau carpets and more than that you intend to buy bulk carpets. Kashan carpet is a suitable option for doing this kind of business.

Wholesale business

Avisa Carpet Wholesale Business website provides wholesale tableau carpets with the most appropriate price and the highest quality to Iranian and foreign buyers.

Buying prayer rug

Production of prayer rugs in the form of rolled and non-rolled rugs suitable for mosques and shrines and personal uses in various designs, sizes and colors are available in wholesale on the Avisa carpet website. Our specialty is wholesaling tableau carpets with the highest quality and cheapest price.